6 Things to Keep in Mind When Soldering Jewelry



Solder in jewelry making is a metal alloy of silver and copper or silver and zinc, and is used to join two pieces of metal together. There are two standard types of soldering used in the jewelry-making field is soft soldering and hard soldering. Solder is heated until it flows and then allowed to cool. Soldering is essential to the jewelry making process and it is important to know what kinds of solder are best for your work. Here are some tips for soldering jewelry.


  1. Soft solder is commonly used for stained glass styles. This is a low temperature melting solder and you use a soldering iron when working with it. This is easier to work with then hard solder but the bond that is created is not as strong as hard solder.
  2. Hard Solder is commonly used to unite precious metals together. This a high temperature melting solder and you need to use a torch when working with it. If you are doing a complex piece it is best to work with hard solder then work your way down solders as  needed.
  3. Work with the highest temperature solder possible. Low temperature solders don’t blend as well into the surrounding silver. The higher a solder’s melting point, the less alloy it has in it, so the less likely it is to eventually tarnish and show and as a dark seam on your silver. 
  4. Keep heat distribution in mind. Consider the amount of metal in each piece you’re soldering together. If one component is 75% of the total piece and the other component is 25%, spend 75% of the soldering time heating thelarger component and 25% heating the smaller component. torch.jpg
  5. Select your solder shape based on the job you are working on. Wire, paste and sheet solder are better for certain projects. Sheet solder can cover large areas and lays better on flat surfaces. Wire solder works when working on smaller area and need more precision. Mayer Alloys sells solder in a variety of shapes. If you have any questions on what solder type or shape will work best for your needs please contact us 888-513-7971 or email us at sales@mayeralloys.com. We provide FREE technical assistance and will be happy to answer any questions you may have. solder sheet.jpg
  6. Don’t be stingy with the flux. Flux helps solder flow, but a thick, even coat of flux beyond the immediate are of your join also helps prevent firescale, more flux isn’t a bad thing.

Mayer Alloys provides solder materials and flux to create pewter figurines, earrings, necklaces, bracelets, and game pieces. Examples of these materials include Sn/Sb/Pb Alloys and Lead- free Pewter Alloys. To learn more about jewelry solder download our Guide to Purchasing Solder to get a more comprehensive knowledge on solder and details of all your soldering needs. If you have any questions about soldering for jewelry-making or you are interested in purchasing solder, please contact us at (888) 513-7971 or email sales@mayeralloys.com.



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